The article is written by GFFI Fitness Academy’s Technical Team in association with Dr. Neeraj Mehta (Professor at American Sports Fitness University)
“There are four popular methods for losing weight. Most argued by professionals and science proven says Dr. Neeraj Mehta (Ph.D.)”
Reduce your caloric intake.
If you eat less calories than you expend, you’ll lose weight, according to some experts’ theories. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? So, why is it so difficult to lose weight?
Weight loss isn’t a linear process. When you restrict calories, you may lose weight for a few weeks, but then something happens. You eat the same amount of calories yet shed less or none. Because as you lose weight, you lose water, lean tissue, and your metabolism slows, among other things. So, to keep losing weight each week, you must keep lowering calories, says Dr. Mehta
Calories aren’t always calories. Eating 100 calories of high fructose corn syrup is not the same as eating 100 calories of broccoli. The key to long-term weight loss is to avoid high-calorie items that don’t fill you up (like candy) and replace them with low-calorie ones that do (like vegetables).
We don’t always eat to eat. Eating for comfort or stress relief can easily derail any weight loss strategy.
Cut back on Fat
If you don’t want to gain weight, don’t eat fat, goes the mantra of many diets. You’ll be bombarded with low-fat snacks, dairy, and ready-to-eat meals if you walk down any grocery store aisle. As the number of low-fat options grows, so does the number of people who are overweight or obese. How come low-fat diets haven’t helped more people?
Fat isn’t all bad. Healthy fats can help you lose weight, manage your moods, and fight fatigue. Tofu and fatty fish contain unsaturated fats that can help you feel full. Adding a little tasty olive oil to vegetables can help you eat healthier and improve the overall quality of your diet.
We often make bad choices. Many of us make the mistake of substituting fat for sugar and refined carbs. Instead of full-fat yoghurt, we eat low- or no-fat versions loaded with sugar to compensate for the loss of flavor. Or we substitute a sugary muffin or donut for our fatty breakfast bacon.
Be on your feet and moving!
Exercising may or may not help you lose weight, but it has many other advantages. Exercise can boost your metabolism and lift your spirits, and you can start seeing the results right away. Your weight-loss plan will be easier to accomplish if you take a walk, stretch, and move around.
Lack of time for a lengthy workout? You don’t have to do 30 minutes of exercise every day to get the same benefits.
Everything is better than nothing, so keep this in mind: Begin with small, daily bursts of physical activity. As you begin to shed pounds and gain more energy, you’ll be able to increase your level of physical activity.
Take the time to find an activity you enjoy. If you’re looking for a fun way to get some exercise, consider going for a walk, dancing, hiking, cycling, playing Frisbee with your dog, or playing activity-based video games with your kids.
Carbohydrates should be reduced.
In a new way of looking at weight loss, it isn’t about eating too many calories, but rather about insulin’s role in the body’s ability to store fat following a carbohydrate-rich meal. You get glucose in your bloodstream when you eat carbohydrates from food. Your body always burns glucose before it burns fat from a meal in order to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Your body releases insulin to help with the influx of glucose into your blood when you eat a carbohydrate-rich meal (such as a lot of pasta, rice, bread, or French fries). Since the body’s first priority is to burn off the glucose, insulin not only regulates blood sugar levels but also makes more fat cells so that you can store what you can’t burn off. Insulin does both of these things. As a result, you put on weight, which necessitates more food intake to meet your body’s increased energy needs. Because insulin can only burn carbs, you become addicted to them, which sets in motion a vicious cycle of carbohydrate consumption and weight gain. Breaking this cycle, according to the conventional wisdom, is the only way to lose weight.
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