Personal Trainer Position Description Suggestion by GFFI Fitness Academy

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Personal Trainer Position Description Suggestion by GFFI Fitness Academy


Personal trainers are responsible for educating their clients on proper equipment use as well as enforcing safety policies. As a personal trainer, you must be able to design and implement workout plans that are tailored to your clients’ specific needs and goals.

They must be able to teach clients the fundamentals of exercise physiology as well as demonstrate proper lifting and exercise techniques. This person will be well-versed in all fitness floor policies and will be able to explain them to a wide range of customers.

Qualifications required

This position requires a current nationally recognized fitness certification in personal training. 

The following are the bare minimums.

‘CPR/AED and First Aid certifications must be current.’ (after one semester from the date of hire)

A current certificate from an accredited fitness trainer institute is required.

Duties and responsibilities include, but not limited to:

A few years of experience in the fitness industry is required. 

Individuals who are interested in health and fitness. 

Personal training for clients is one of the primary duties, but it is not the only one. 

Conduct fitness assessments. 

Arrive at your scheduled appointment at least 10 minutes early. 

Expertise in the use of fitness equipment and physical exercise methods. 

Create a customized workout plan for each customer based on their fitness levels. 

When dealing with any type of conflict management, make sure to follow Company policy where they are working. 

Always work between their scope of practice, as determined by GFFI Fitness Academy.

Assist with the gym and cardio areas’ opening and closing. 

Assist customers by demonstrating fitness equipment, answering exercise and technique questions, and spotting. 

Make their own records for their clients’ personal training sessions or interactions. 

Encourage employees to learn from one another. 

Continue to improve your fitness education. 

Training and certification courses provide opportunities for ongoing education. 

All GFFI Fitness Academy guidelines that are suggested to the trainer must be followed. 

The ability to form long-lasting relationships with others. 

To overcome any obstacle, planning and organizational skills are required. 

The ability to effectively organize one’s time, prioritize tasks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

He or she must be able to follow all company policies and procedures, as well as arrive on time and prepared for work every day. 

Being able to maintain one’s physical, nutritional, and emotional well-being for the rest of one’s life by making healthy choices and learning how to meet those needs. 

Accuracy in evaluating situations and making sound decisions on your own. 

The ability to modify exercises to meet the needs of clients with varying levels of fitness. 

If the client has any other needs that are outside the scope of the personal trainer’s practice, refer them to competent professionals.

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